
  • Math Laboratory:
    • All the new concepts in maths are introduced /taught in this lab  with the help of different educational aids especially for Std. I to IV.  We have got a feed back that the basic concepts are very clear as our students have hands on experience.  It is also very useful for thorough learning and fixation of knowledge.
  •  Library & Reading Room:
    • The classrooms are complimented by well stocked, completely computerized library and a separate reading room with excellent collection of reference books, CD and audio visual aids for students and teachers.  Books are issued to the students from Std. I to VII once a week.
  • Sports Complex:
    • Our school has a well equipped Sports Complex which gives equal  opportunity to children to participate in various sports.  Introduction of Circuit Training in  the regular P.T. period has let to the building of greater stamina and endurance which eventually leads for good concentration and better academic performance.
  • Observatory Board:
    • Changes in the weather forecast is written along with the details of  Date, day and month to make the students aware of the changes in the atmosphere.
  • Clinical Psychologist:     
    •  Clinical Psychologist is present in the school for both the sessions to cater to students those who are having some kind of emotional or behavioral problem. Remedial teaching is also provided in the school to those who are having some learning differences.
  • Annual Social:
    • All students participate in the Annual Social. Though all are not excellent in dramatics, music or dance.  This kind of exposure definitely helps for personality development
  • Academic Audit:
    • This audit is conducted in the school to see how the syllabus is linked   between two standards, teachers’ performance and how to achieve higher a goals.
  • Marathi from Std. I:
    • By design Marathi language has been introduced to children right  from Std. I.  So they get mastery over both the languages, Marathi and English. Marathi workbooks are devised by our own teachers, taking into consideration the Non -Maharashtrian
  • Teachers Training
    • The school management has always believed in improving the capabilities of pre-service and in-service teachers to utilize tools and  educational resources for their own enhancement so as to meet the demands of education in  future. So to place in more emphasis on class application and teaching techniques, the school      management has provided facilities for the teachers by either inviting eminent educators to hold workshops in school or by sending teachers for workshops outside at regional and international levels.  E.g. Workshop held for English Language, Body Language etc.

Innovative teaching methods

Teaching Methods help students develop their cognitive and motor skills. Through each unit of enquiry the students curiosity and imagination is sparked by exposing them to a new world of learning.

“Tender love and care is the new catalyst in our classroom”

Students are exposed to a vibrant world of learning as they think independently and explore new concepts while accepting greater challenges. The program enables students to explore transdisciplinary themes through lines of inquiry- like organization, expression, sharing the planetand also preparing cumulative projects for exhibitions.

The focus is on providing an electrifying environment through development of learner profile attitude and skills of each child.